Friday, August 13, 2010

Cloth Diapering

As many of you all know, or might not know, I decided to cloth diaper from last 2 and started doing it in July of this year (2010). I had always wanted to cloth diaper every since my oldest (12yo) was a baby, but I never received the support that I needed from whom I thought would have my back. So I put it off. I dabbled with it with my 2nd to oldest (10yo) and once again decided not to do it.

Well 12 years later and I am and I will never look back. I remember one day I stripped my diapers and needed to go and get some detergent that I had heard about and wanted to use (another post). Well anyways, I put it off and ended up going and getting the detergent. Well when I went to the place and buying the detergent and they had only 2 diapers that fit my girls, so I bought those. I was determined not to use disposables every again.

Anyways, I have been looking for other diapers trying to find which ones I really like. I initially went with Babyland because a fellow mommie used those and it seemed fairly easy. So I ordered my set of 30 off of eBay and went to town. I have purchased the old fashion kind, the one my mom used on me and my sister, and I have used those as inserts.

I have been also looking at different brands and their designs. To me, if it jumps out at me the better for me. Well I ran across a company called RagaBabe and let me tell you I love the sharpness of the new diaper coming out. I love the white with the different colored snaps and some of the designs. While they might be a little pricer for the initial cover, I feel that in the log run, it will save me even more time and money because it is just the insert that is being changed and washed, because you can use the diaper cover over and over as long as they are not soiled.

They are having a give away right now and you should go and check it out!! Go to their website and check them out. They are not selling yet, but always good to pre-shop, huh?

You can also enter to win a RagaBabe Organic '2-Step diaper. For details go to,!/topic.php?uid=127158910630142&topic=274.


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