Sunday, November 8, 2009


I was taken pictures of the loot that I had purchased off of Craigslist and had to take these pictures of my lil Mamu, Moose, Magoo, Ms. Poose (s/l goose only with a "P", MMMK (triple M then K), Malamu, Malibu, and so on..... I just love how she is smiling now for the camera more and more. I love her little curly locks and her sweet innocence. She is my tender heart. Whenever I am, or anyone for that fact, is feeling sad and such..she will come up and kiss you and hug you. She is worse than my little shadow. I can go no where without her and believe me she lets whoever has her know that she just loves her Momma and wants her, but she will go off away from me when she knows that I am in sight of her.

It is amazing how much joy she has brought to this family and how her little personality fits in with the rest of us.

Sometimes I am sad to think about how much her father is missing by choosing not to be in her life. I cannot imagine what it is like to know that you have a child, a daughter, your only daughter, only child out there and you CHOOSE to not be apart of her life. I really pray that one day he realizes this before it is too late, but until then...I will eat her up as much as I can.

I love you Mallorie......

Mum (as you say it)
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$5.00 Craigslist Loot

Okay.....I am so happy and proud of my recent acquisition from Craigslist. I was searching in the Free Section, the Baby section for a highchair for Mamu, Activities section, and finally ending up going to the Arts and Craft's section because sometimes you can find some pretty good deals.

Well..I saw this ad for a Art Supplies for $5.00 and of course I had to call and see where they were located because sometimes it is a good deal on Craigslist, but not for you depending on where you are located in reference to where the item(s) is located. So when I called and she gave me the address and I MapQuest it and saw it was not far from me at all.. I asked if it was too late (6:30) and told her I was on my way.

So we get there in under 10 minutes and when I went to the door and she stacked all of these containers up and I said, "Just want to make sure...$5.00 for all?" She said, "Yes." I told her thank you because with my children we go through this stuff so much. She said thank you and the boys (my two and one of hers) brought them to the van.

We came home and started going through everything. It was like Christmas in November. They had stamps, rolling stamps, markers that were stamps, and stamp pads. They had pens and more pens. They had colored pencils. Crayons galore. Markers, regular. Pencils. Glue. Water colors. Notecards. Highlighters (Zachary too a pink one and Courtney a green one, even though she can only use yellow at school).

They had 2 cute pends that had a little fuzzy head on it with sunglasses on and it says. "Be cool! Call 9-1-1 only for Emergencies!"

So needless to say..I have not found my highchair YET, but I did come across something that was so worth more than $5.00!!!!!
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Austin's 2009 AHFSH Soccer Team

This is Austin's soccer team from this past season. We had our last game this past Sautrday, November 7, 2009. I can honestly say that this is the BEST team we have EVER participated in. The parents were so supporting and the boys and girl were such a joy to watch and see them interact. They just got out there and played, which was a fresh of breath air. We will definitely be playing with this league over and over again.
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Maing my momma proud

Not sure what the bathroom has for me, but Austin just came out to me, while sitting here at my desk, asking where is "the white long thing that goes in the bathroom while making hand gestures from small to long (to illustrate what he was talking about). I told him that it is right here, but the bathroom needs to be mopped.

I cannot believe it...the master of mass destruction. The one who goes and mixes and does all kind of things that (at least my mind does not or has not) only his mind has come up with.

Let me go find the blue Pine Sol (smells really good) or may just good ole bleach because we have been sick for the past month with various things or another...and mop the bathroom (my mop bucket the background and this was not staged!!!) I have to jump on this while I can!!!!

Mallorie asleep

The other day I just completely passed out (as I have been doing a lot lately, especially with this little girl inside of me). When I went to sleep it was me, my favorite pillow, my body pillow, my other body pillow (Mallorie), and three regular size pillows with one of my favorite quilts, so off to bed I went.

I woke up in a panic and had to get Mallorie back on the bed...ahhh back to sleep. Then I felt her getting off the bed, so back on the bed I had to get her.

Well, I woke up and in a panic was not even the word to describe how I was feeling. I woke up to hearing a little girl outside talking (or screaming and incoherent speech that they do at 18 months). I jumped up and looked outside...okay back gate is closed, so she is not outside...the back door does not completely close unless you close it yourself and the other littles do not always, if ever, completely close it, so Mallorie can open it just with a push open. So I was very excited that she had not gotten in the backyard (it was the neighbors 18-month-old granddaughter who was making the conversation).

I looked on the side of my Mallorie..on the floor in the my the the boy's Courtney's the the laundry the living the the the boy's closet....NOPE NO MALLORIE anywhere. I am freaking out at this point!! The front door is locked, so she could not have gotten out the front door.

I went into the dining room to get to the living room because she had to be in there...she was no where else. well as I walked around the table..there she is...hanging off the chair with her legs dangling. I wish I would have thought to get the camera, but I was worried about her falling off and hitting her head, so I gently moved her from the chair to the pillow on the floor where she continued to sleep.

Let me tell you, if I can survive everything that she has to give me and then her and her little sister, I will be eternally happy!!!! Especially since Mallorie and her little sister will be either 21 or 22 months apart!!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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Red Ribbon Rally

Today, on the way home from Zachary's appointment, I asked him how the Red Ribbon Rally was. He said that he just say in a chair and listen to people sing. When asked who sung, you know thinking it was a group?, he said, "People (laughing) not like it was robots." Ummmm...really? well duh!!!!

The radio was on and one of the songs came on and he said, "I wonder if they are going to play all the songs we heard at the rally?" Me, "I do not know, maybe." Zachary, "Well Miley Cirus would have to come on then?" conversation ends and goes to the drivers here in San Antonio. Zachary came up with a logical solution (well for him). He said that everyone should have their DL taken away and have to re-take the test. Me, "Do you think they drove like that for their test?" Zachary, "I do not know, but they drive like that now." Me, "Well, if they drove for their test how they drove now, then they would be walking it or taking the bus. Everyone is on their best behavior for their test."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Zachary's Soccer

Today we went to the soccer field where only Zachary had a game. We ended up playing although we are going to re-schedule the game due to the other team only having two players. Since we had enough players for our team and enough to put on the other team, we decided not to waste the morning and play a practice game.

So here Zachary is playing the game, or I should say standing in the game. I do not know whose idea it was to put him a goalie, but besides this position and defensive, these are the only positions he wishes to play (a.k.a I do not want to run, but just kick the ball). You will hear consistently during the game, "Come Zachary go after the ball!", "Zachary when you are on offense that means you follow the ball to the goal, not stand at the half way mark (this is me yelling this), and "Zachary get the ball."

Even though I know he does not want to run and would rather just stand and kick the ball, but unfortunately you cannot just have the same position all the time every game. So back to today's game. He did a GREAT job. He has a great kick and did really good defending the goal. He really enjoys who is plays with and mom is happy that soccer is not even 5 minutes from the house.

As each practice and game happens, I am glad that I put my concerns aside and allowed him to play. I know soccer is going to be a recurring sport for him and I am happy that he enjoys it so much. He has a goal of wanting to play on the Fire team, which is the competitive game and it costs A LOT of money to play on that team. They keep score, their coaches are ones that have played professionally or some form of it, and it is a year round commitment. For mom, this is a LLLOOOONNNGGG term goal (LOL!).

Zachary was also disappointed because he wanted to play one of friends (he is on the other team). He was a little down, but when I told him that the coaches were going to re-schedule the game and that we also were going to play N's team as our last game of the season, he became psyched. I hope that he just wants to play his friend and not play and win, and then constantly rub it in!!!!

****pictures to come, as I cannot find my camera, but did take pictures with my phone, but cannot find the cord for it*******

Friday, October 2, 2009

LIttle snipets

If you see little one liners or "snipets", it just means that I will elaborate on the subject more when I can. These little one liners are coming from me being mobile and I cannot really blog, per se, but do not want to forget the moment.

Say What??

The other day, while sitting here at my desk in our breakfast area, and the children at the table in our dining area, Austin says."When I grow up, I want to be an artist!" He is so excited and I sat there almost about to say something in response to that when he says, "I am going to make paper airplanes!!!!

I chuckled a little to myself and go boy!!! We all need paper airplanes at one time or another in our lives, especially ones that we can put all our troubles on and put it into flight!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

San Antonio Primary Activity Temple Trip

I asked Courtney how as the temple. she said okay

Zachary went with Sister M and she had a "tight car." When asked how was the temple, he said. "not really good." I asked why- he said that they told him that when they touched the temple doors, we would feel the temple touch us. I really did not feel that."

Austin,' He said fine, I mean great!!!" Did you like it? He screams, "Yeah!!"