Friday, November 7, 2008

Explanation of this Whole Thing Called my Blog

OKay, so you are probably wondering (scratching head!) why is Susan doing this blog and what is with the name. First and foremost, this blog is for me and my children. It is for me to record the daily musings of our lives, so that years down the road (when I get like 50 or so [LOL, I love you!!!]) I can remember all of this, but also my children can have this as part of their history, my history, but most of all OUR history. I would put a little disclaimer and such on here that would go something like if you do not like what is said, then DO NOT READ IT, but then again...I really do not care what others think because this is MY blog!!!!

Now for the title...I have been thinking...I would love to do a blog that I could share what can go on in our lives on a daily, sometimes hour-to-hour basis, sometimes minute-to-minute, and also second-to-second basis (because quite frankly the things that happen in my house...well just put it like is NEVER a dull moment and I LOVE IT!!!!). I also wanted something that, for those who know my children and/or me, could come and see HOW MUCH FUN LIFE IS FOR US!!!! You will see us as we explore our house and its surroundings, the neighborhood, new and old friends, train rides, San Antonio (so much to do there!!!), school and school life, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, sports, and on and on, but most of we explore ourselves when it comes to our family!!!

Anyways, you know how you see the child running around the store? Or maybe the child that wears their Halloween costume way before Halloween and way after? Or maybe the one that has a Mohawk, but it is a weird shade of blue? green? or any other mixture of colors? Or maybe just the child being a child? Well, you might sit back and judge and say, "What kind of mother would.......(you fill in the dots)? Well, that is me. I AM THAT MAMA!!!!!!

I am the mama that lets my children be who they are and really does not care what other think. I am that mama that lets my children draw all over the concrete with chalk because their creativity is coming out. I am that mama that lets their children touch too much, feel too much, talk to much, and probably aggravate others too much. See my children are not just seen, but they are heard!!! I have one who loves to sing, stare at herself in the mirror, and overall be the drama queen (hey someone has to do it!!). I then have the one who will let you know why he thinks something is "stupid", "sucks", or just plain ole does not make sense to him. I then have, as he was dubbed the other night, a Mad Scientist. This one just goes through life, without a care in the world, mixing, getting into things, and being just what his little mind makes him and takes him. And Finally, I have one who even though she has been on this earth for a short six-and-a-half months....she has found her grove and will let you know when YOU are messing with IT!!!

So, in other words...I am THAT Mama with THOSE children (4 of them to be exact) and I would not change anything about my life! I mean come on, then my life would be like those whose children sit and stare at my children, and not because they are loud, getting into things, having fun, making a scene, and not listening when I say come here because what they are doing is so much fun and how could it possibly be over!!!!...They are sitting there, saying to themselves, "Why can't my mom be like that? Does she not know and realize that I am A CHILD?" I am THAT MAMA that lets her children color outside of the lines. I am THAT MAMA who sits back and watches each and everyone of mine and what makes them who they are without making them conform to the cookie cutter that society has given, parents have given themselves to fit their child in. Do you not know those are for the cookies? I am THAT MAMA that allows them to play as much make believe as they want, to sing until you thought you yourself was singing when you talked, the one that allows their children and welcomes their children to explore new things. I am THAT MAMA that welcomes the rock collections, the 50 million pieces of paper on the floor, the different colors of the tub water that one can make, the entrepreneurship, the laying out on the front law on a very busy street, by a very busy intersection blocking out the rest of the world and just looking at what is around us, the one who wants to take that walk a night, so we can see what comes out at night, the one that lets my children be children because, as you know, that is not allowed anymore these days, and....well you get the picture...but I could go on and on, but you will see what I am talking about and then some in this blog.

So with that said and done (just the tip of the iceberg), I will end with that blogs, even though it is here on the Internet, world wide web, what ever you want to call it....belongs to ME!!! Take what you should take from it, leave the rest untouched because it does not need to be fine tuned, and keep YOUR "I would have not done..., I would have done it this way"...... to yourself and most of all BE RESPECTFUL!!!!!!